When Evil Rises, We Must Too

“The opposite of a hero is not a villain, it’s a bystander.”

-Matt Langdon (The Hero Construction Company)

Lord Voldemort, a dark wizard from the Harry Potter series, plans to extend his control over the wizarding and the Muggle (non-magical) community by wiping out all Muggles and Muggle-borns. Similar to Voldemort, Emperor Palpatine (Star Wars) seeks to exert his control over the Galaxy by wiping out the Jedi. A similar theme too is seen in the X-Men, who are persecuted for their mutant abilities. Continue reading When Evil Rises, We Must Too

Wonder Woman Psychology

Last night I saw “Wonder Woman” in the movie theatre. I already had high expectations of it from all the hype and the movie surpassed all of them. Here is why:

Warning: some spoilers to follow

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Superhero Therapy book signing

Last week I was able to attend the Book Expo and Book Con in New York City. I was asked to give a talk at Book Expo and did a book signing at Book Con. It went better than I ever imagined. The book signing was only supposed to last an hour but people kept lining up, with the line weaving around several rows. It ended up lasting over an hour and a half. I wanted to stay as long as possible to sign everyone’s book and give everyone hugs who wanted them. It was such a moving experience, which left me in happy tears. Thank you so much for all your support, my heroes!

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Have an Amazing Con!

There is always a comic con going on somewhere in the country and June 23-25 will showcase the Amazing Vegas Comic Con. Whether you’re going there or to another convention altogether, there are some tips you might want to consider, especially if it is your first comic con.

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You are a Superhero and here’s why

Dear Superheroes,
First and foremost, from the bottom of my heart, thank you so much for your generosity and your amazing level of support.
I am in (happy) tears over seeing the way that Superhero Therapy has grown as a community world-wide. In the last 4 years I have seen more kindness, compassion, openness, and connection than I ever have in my entire life.

Continue reading You are a Superhero and here’s why

This is your greatest Superpower

Do any of these sound familiar?

“Why do you always take everything so seriously?”

“You are too sensitive!”

“You don’t even know that person, why do you care what happens to them?”

Continue reading This is your greatest Superpower

This is what a refugee looks like


“No one can know, you understand? You can’t tell anyone.” My mother told me.

I was 10.

I didn’t understand everything but I did know that I had to keep it a secret or we wouldn’t be able to leave. Or worse.

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The effects of self fat-shaming

“You are so fat!” “You’re disgusting!” Who is going to love you if you look like that?” “How can he stand looking at you with your disgusting stomach and your double chin?”

These were just a few of the many things I used to say to myself. The irony was that the more depressed I felt, the more I shamed myself. Continue reading The effects of self fat-shaming

Harry Potter Therapy

Hello, you wonderful people. I hope your New Year is off to a wonderful start.

I am honored and humbled by your outpouring of support of “Superhero Therapy“. I am thrilled an excited to be working on a few more geeky psychology projects, one of them being a self-help ‘Harry Potter Therapy’ book, which I am planning to make available for free.

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Publishing my first book

Writing a book was a dream of mine ever since I learned how to read. I was 3 when I was devouring children’s books. My health destroyed by the Chernobyl radiation, I was not allowed to watch television due to migraines and seizures. Often too sick to go to school, books were both my entertainment and my friends. And I swore that one day I would write one.  Continue reading Publishing my first book