Therapy Quest

Did you ever feel like you don’t belong? Like you are somehow different from the people around you? Did you ever wish you could escape to Hogwarts and find connection like Harry Potter did? I did.

I spent most of my life feeling like an outsider and wanting so badly to belong. Not fit in. But to truly belong. To be a part of something that was bigger than myself. Loneliness has been my biggest tormentor and my closest friend. I remember trying to explain to my family that I was feeling lonely even when I was around my friends. I remember feeling more connected to the characters in the fantasy books I was reading than to the kids around me on the playground.  Continue reading Therapy Quest

The effects of self fat-shaming

“You are so fat!” “You’re disgusting!” Who is going to love you if you look like that?” “How can he stand looking at you with your disgusting stomach and your double chin?”

These were just a few of the many things I used to say to myself. The irony was that the more depressed I felt, the more I shamed myself. Continue reading The effects of self fat-shaming