How an emoji can save a life

Most people report that they are not comfortable asking their loved ones for help when they are going through a bout of depression and/or are having suicidal thoughts. Some people report that they are afraid that their loved ones will judge them for reaching out, while others report that they don’t know how to ask for the support that they need.  Continue reading How an emoji can save a life

Superhero Therapy Podcast Ep. 10: Psychology of The Walking Dead

ST Podcast Ep. 10: The Walking Dead

Take a deeper bite out of the wildly popular zombie television series as Dr. Scarlet and Dustin talk about the psychology of The Walking Dead.

EuroTour and Pay-It-Forward

Next month I will set off on my first official Europe book tour during which I will be presenting workshops to mental health professionals on Superhero Therapy and Therapy Quest.

Here are the tour details:

Continue reading EuroTour and Pay-It-Forward

Superhero Therapy Podcast Ep. 9: Psychology of Gaming

ST Podcast Ep. 9: Gaming

In this week’s episode, Dr. Scarlet and Dustin discuss the different ways that video games provide cognitive advantages and therapeutic benefits.