Harry Potter Therapy Podcast Chapter 16: Through the Trapdoor

Chapter 16: Through the Trapdoor

In this magical episode, Dustin and Dr. Scarlet dive into the secrets beneath the Fluffy’s trapdoor. They discuss gut feelings, gullibility, and the psychological correlation of Devil’s Snare.

Dr. Scarlet writes article for BuzzFeed!

Dr. Scarlet was honored to write an article on the 15 times Harry Potter Got Mental Health Just Right. Great article about the series we know and love and the ways J.K Rowling showed us the many faces of mental health. You can read the article Here.


Publishing my first book

Writing a book was a dream of mine ever since I learned how to read. I was 3 when I was devouring children’s books. My health destroyed by the Chernobyl radiation, I was not allowed to watch television due to migraines and seizures. Often too sick to go to school, books were both my entertainment and my friends. And I swore that one day I would write one.  Continue reading Publishing my first book