Harry Potter Therapy Podcast : Chapter 6 The Journey From Platform Nine & Three-Quarters

Chapter 6: The Journey From Platform Nine and Three Quarters.

On this episode Dr. Scarlet and Dustin are joined by special guest Harry Potter scholar and professor, Dr. Louise Freeman. In this chapter we discuss connections, compassion , and cultural differences.

Becoming Incredible in the Face of Evil

The world in which children are ripped apart from their parents for running away from war and torture, a world in which the US pulls out of the UN Human Rights Council, a world in which children are being put into concentration camps and workers aren’t allowed to comfort them needs Superheroes now more than ever.

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When Evil Rises, We Must Too

“The opposite of a hero is not a villain, it’s a bystander.”

-Matt Langdon (The Hero Construction Company)

Lord Voldemort, a dark wizard from the Harry Potter series, plans to extend his control over the wizarding and the Muggle (non-magical) community by wiping out all Muggles and Muggle-borns. Similar to Voldemort, Emperor Palpatine (Star Wars) seeks to exert his control over the Galaxy by wiping out the Jedi. A similar theme too is seen in the X-Men, who are persecuted for their mutant abilities. Continue reading When Evil Rises, We Must Too

Wonder Woman Psychology

Last night I saw “Wonder Woman” in the movie theatre. I already had high expectations of it from all the hype and the movie surpassed all of them. Here is why:

Warning: some spoilers to follow

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You are a Superhero and here’s why

Dear Superheroes,
First and foremost, from the bottom of my heart, thank you so much for your generosity and your amazing level of support.
I am in (happy) tears over seeing the way that Superhero Therapy has grown as a community world-wide. In the last 4 years I have seen more kindness, compassion, openness, and connection than I ever have in my entire life.

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This is your greatest Superpower

Do any of these sound familiar?

“Why do you always take everything so seriously?”

“You are too sensitive!”

“You don’t even know that person, why do you care what happens to them?”

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Dream Loot Crate

What if you could design your very own dream Loot Crate? What would it contain?

Given my profession and my work with Superhero Therapy, I wanted to put together an idea for a potential Loot Crate, one which could help people in managing their Dementors of depression and their boggarts of anxiety while helping them connect with their superhero potential. Here’s what I came up with.

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Star Wars Challenge: Use the Force

Connecting with the Force includes a certain kind of practice – the practice of mindfulness. This means noticing how you are feeling and what is going on around you in real time. Most of the time we are in a rush, overwhelmed, and stuck inside our own minds. So then, how can we practice using the Force? Continue reading Star Wars Challenge: Use the Force

Pokémon Go and Psychology

Pokémon Go is a mobile app, which is quickly taking over the world. In just two weeks after its release the free app has made over $1 billion worldwide through optional in-game purchases. Streets and parks are busy with people playing the game on their phones and yet the media is full of dangerous warnings about this game. Do the benefits of this game outweigh the risks or should people stop playing this game immediately?

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Do you deserve to be loved?

Do you deserve to be loved?

That’s an interesting question, isn’t it? Some might say, it depends on whether you are a good person. Others might say that love is unconditional.

In some cultures, including one I was raised in, parents might use love as a kind of privilege, something to be earned, deserved, not readily given. I’ve heard some parents telling their children that if they do not behave well, their parents will leave them and become a parent to another child. This suggests that love can be given as a reward or removed as punishment.

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