Overcoming the pain of disconnection

Two weeks ago my best friend of 17 years permanently removed me and over 70 other people from their life. There was no warning. There were neither signs nor conflicts leading up to this. There wasn’t an opportunity for a discussion, an agreement, or closure.

Sometimes loss has no rational explanation. Sometimes an end of a friendship, relationship, job or career, can feel like a part of us died. Jim Butcher, the author of the best-selling Dresden Files, describes a scenario in which his main protagonist, Harry Dresden, a wizard/private investigator discusses heartbreak as if someone’s soul is being ripped apart with a barbed wire on the inside.  Continue reading Overcoming the pain of disconnection

The Guide to Battling Inner Dragons for the Modern Geek

Some people get up and go to work. Other people have to fight a dragon to get there. Or a series of dragons. Not real dragons, of course. Metaphoric ones – the dragons of despairing depression and agonizing anxiety, the dragons that burn us with shame about our supposed “not-good-enoughness” at the pit of our stomach. Those dragons.

Continue reading The Guide to Battling Inner Dragons for the Modern Geek