Next to Normal: a beautiful play about mental illness

For the longest time mental illness was considered a taboo, in many cultures it is something that is not discussed or accepted, leaving the people that are most in need of support and compassion to be alone and ashamed of their condition. Traditionally the media, including news, films, plays, and books have portrayed people with mental illness as villains, adding to the already existing stigma. And at a time when we are just starting to understand where some mental disorders come from and how we might be able to treat or attenuate them, a production like “Next to Normal” serves as a wonderful tool for giving us the insight into one of the most misunderstood diagnoses – Bipolar Disorder.


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Remembering Robin Williams

It is with a heavy heart that I write this post as the world mourns the death of a brilliant artist, Robin Williams. Williams made many of us laugh at times when it was impossible to laugh, and got many of us through some very dark times with his silliness and humor.
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