How to make stress your secret superpower

I’ve long been telling my patients that stress is dangerous for their health and that it can lead to a plethora of dangerous health hazards. However, some recent studies, in addition to a fantastic talk by Kelly McGonigal, a fellow compassion researcher and my mentor, made me rethink my stance on stress.

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Using comic books and games to help treat PTSD

What is PTSD?

According to the DSM-IV-TR, in order to meet the criteria for PTSD, the individual has to have witnessed or experienced (directly or indirectly) a traumatic event and then developed symptoms, which cause significant impairment or distress and last over 1 month.

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Why Comic Con?

This is not the first year I have attended the San Diego Comic Con but it is the first year that I am THIS thrilled to attend. Above all panels, the one that I am most looking forward to is the Geek Therapy panel, scheduled to take place on Thursday at 12:00 pm in room 26 AB, where most of the magical geeky-nerdy stuff to do with psychology and geek culture will take place.

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